Mrs Bennett
Head Teacher
- Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Graded Care Profile 2 Practitioner
- Prevent and Encompass Lead
- Looked After Children Champion
- Pupil Premium Lead
- Senior Designated Mental Health Lead
- Mental Health First Aid Trained - children
- Behaviour Champion
- School linking and Cultural Capital Champion
- SMSC / British Values
- Assessment
- English Champion
- Maths Champion
- Science Champion
- History Champion
- Music Champion
- Religious Education Champion
- PSHE Champion
- Health & Well-being Champion
- Qualified First Aider
Miss Hopkins
Senior Teacher
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (Deputy)
- Teacher (Years 4, 5 and 6)
- English Champion
- Maths Champion
- Computing Champion
- PE/Sports Premium Champion
- RE Champion
- Geography Champion
- Art and DT Champion
- MFL Champion
- PSHE/SRE Champion
- SMSC and British Values Champion
- School Council Champion
- High Attainers Champion
- Student Mentor
- Teacher Governor
- Qualified First Aider
Mrs Latham
- Teacher ( Years 2 and 3)
- Special Educational Needs Champion
- Pupil Premium Champion
- Qualified First Aider
Mrs Bateson
- Teacher (EYFS and Year 1)
- Wellcomm Speech and Language Trained
- Gymnastics Coach
- Dance Coach
- Netball Coach
- Cheerleading Coach
- PE Subject Champion (Support)
- Music Subject Champion (Support)
- Art and Design Subject Champion (Support)
- Design Technology Subject Champion (Support)
Miss Mansfield
- HLTA/Cover Supervisor
- Qualified First Aider
- Wrap Around Care
- Pastoral Support
- 1:1 Learning Support Assistant
- Fire Warden
Mrs Clay
- 1:1 Learning Support Assistant
- Intervention Teacher
- ELSA Practitioner
Mrs Todd (Supply)
- EYFS Learning Support Assistant
- Key Worker Early Years
- HLTA Cover Supervisor
- Qualified First Aider
Mrs Williams
- EYFS Learning Support Assistant
- Key Worker Early Years
- Level 3 TA Cover Supervisor
- Qualified First Aider
- Fire Warden
Mrs Tildsley
- Bursar/Office Manager
- Attendance
- Health and Safety
- Finance
- Evolve - Educational Visits Co-Ordinator
- Qualified First Aider
Mrs Fisher
Mrs Stevens
Miss Higginson
Mrs Wilkinson
- School Crossing Assistant (Lollipop Lady)
- Teaching Assistant
- Welfare Assistant
- Qualified First Aider
- Wrap-around After School Care
Mr Lewis